All Global Observations Footprint

Top 10 Identified Countries

Country Observations Percentage
US 189,065,569 36.13%
DE 60,380,198 11.54%
NL 22,619,612 4.32%
CN 22,398,400 4.28%
FR 22,079,649 4.22%
JP 18,650,656 3.56%
GB 16,160,463 3.09%
CA 14,727,809 2.81%
RU 14,701,203 2.81%
SG 8,714,876 1.67%

All Industry Observations Footprint

Top 10 Identified Industries

*Learn more about industry attribution in our FAQs

Industry* Observations Percentage
Technology 465,814,597 88.16%
Telecommunications 37,360,737 7.07%
Finance 6,924,615 1.31%
Business Services 4,919,791 0.93%
Education 2,800,146 0.53%
Government/Politics 1,811,734 0.34%
Utilities 1,713,907 0.32%
Media/Entertainment 1,559,765 0.30%
Manufacturing 1,121,179 0.21%
Tourism/Hospitality 1,084,242 0.21%

Browse Software by Vendors or their Products

Click a Vendor or Product name below. 

495 Vendors Found
Vendor Observations Sort ascending
DrayTek 3,892
Observium 3,757
Lexmark 3,743
Dell 3,595
OpenMediaVault 3,574
Ipswitch 3,430
Knot DNS 3,429
Unraid 3,300
Sentry 3,216
Etcd 3,108
Organizr 3,099
Mplustec 3,056
NextGen Healthcare 3,038
WPCentral 3,037
Vaadin 3,022
SalesAgility 3,018
FatPipe 2,893
noVNC 2,802
Aprelium 2,794
Mathopd 2,778
11581 Products Found
Product Vendor Observations Sort ascending
Windows 2000 Microsoft 28,928
Kerberos Microsoft 28,737
Websocketpp Zaphoyd Studios 28,417
Dir 850l Firmware D-Link 28,287
Dir 850l D-Link 28,282
Linux SUSE S.A. 28,201
Cyrus Imap Server Carnegie Mellon University 26,804
Spip SPIP 25,433
Oscommerce Oscommerce 25,053
Glassfish Server Oracle 24,662
Integrated Lights Out Firmware HP 24,586
Moment Moment.js 24,329
Phpbb Phpbb 23,324
Ec Cube Ec Cube 22,795
Sfos Sophos 22,792
Edgemax Edgerouter Ubiquiti Inc. 21,868
Edgemax Edgerouter Firmware Ubiquiti Inc. 21,868
Gnutls GNU Project 21,397
Hydra Hydra Project 21,397
Liveconfig LiveConfig 21,337
GROMA Continuous Threat Scanning
GROMA Continuous Threat Scanning

The leading provider in Cyber Risk Management Bitsight introduced the next-generation internet scanning Bitsight Groma in May 2024. This technology continuously scans the entire internet to discover assets, collect asset attribution evidence, and identify an ever-growing set of security observations, such as vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.  Groma’s scanning activities presently encompass:

  • 40 million-plus monitored organizations
  • 250 million-plus host names
  • 4 billion-plus routable IP addresses

Greynoise’s recent study testifies the speed of Bitsight Groma.

GROMA Continuous Threat Scanning
Bitsight data discovery

Bitsight TRACE team investigates security incidents and identifies vulnerabilities and threats.

View security research 

See what you’re up against across the expanding attack surface. Prioritize what matters most. And mitigate where you’re most vulnerable.

External Attack Surface Management

Bitsight ASA Report Image

Reducing exposure starts with knowing exactly how your external attack surface stands—from your overall standing to each digital and cloud asset around the world. Bitsight's custom report gives you the insights you need to see your entire external attack surface.