Bitsight for continuous monitoring.

Escalating cyber threats are swirling around your organization’s digital footprint, looking for vulnerabilities. Recent incidents involving SolarWinds, Capital One, and Colonial Pipeline show the damage they can cause. And the financial, operational, reputational, and regulatory impacts of a cyberattack can be significant and lasting.

That doesn’t change one simple question: how do you get your arms around the challenge?

The answer: continuous monitoring with Bitsight. Continuously monitoring your cybersecurity posture lets you keep a constant check on your propensity for risk – in your own organization, and across your supply chain. With automated insights and near real-time alerts, you can bring your stress level down while boosting your security level up. Save time and target your remediation efforts where they’re needed most when you have the right tools.

Think of it as a heart rate monitor for cyber risk.

View your attack surface the way the bad guys do

Continuously monitor for emerging cyber risk

Learn where your cybersecurity falls short

Continuously assess your third parties for cyber risk

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Hackers are great at exposing companies’ vulnerabilities, making staying ahead of threats challenging. Meanwhile, teams are buried in siloed internal monitoring tools and grappling with a sea of data and alerts – hoping something important doesn’t slip through.

Plus, the more services you work with, the harder it gets to protect your organization and understand where risk lies across your expanding footprint. After all, you can’t secure what you can’t see.

Bitsight’s dashboard gives you unprecedented context into your attack surface. With this holistic external view, you can see where all your digital assets are located – including cloud services and shadow IT applications – and quickly assess the corresponding risk each presents.

Armed with these insights you can make informed, comparative decisions about where to focus cybersecurity efforts and get one step ahead of threat actors.

Financial Services Security Performance Management

Bitsight's powerful data and analytics platform continuously monitors for unknown vulnerabilities and immediately and automatically identifies gaps in your security controls.

Receive cyber health alerts when new and pressing risks emerge, such as misconfigured and unpatched systems, exposed credentials, and compromised systems. No need to hunt threats down – you’re alerted to problems right away so you can quickly take action when a vulnerability is detected.

Bitsight even continuously and automatically discovers hidden risks across your supply chain, alerting you when a vendor or partner’s security posture drops below a certain threshold. You can feel confident knowing your partners are taking security just as seriously as you are.

Peer Analytics

Discover where your organization excels at cybersecurity – and where it falls short.

With Bitsight’s benchmarking tools you can understand how your cybersecurity performance compares to your competitors and peers – historically and today.

Uncover gaps in your cybersecurity program based on a comparison of risk vectors within your peer group. With these benchmarks, you can improve your security program in previously impossible ways – without the need for an expensive and time-consuming assessment process.

Use these insights to create data-driven remediation plans to strengthen your program against your peers, prioritize cyber risk-reduction strategies, and spur action in the C-suite. Then, let your customers, prospects, and investors know how your security initiatives set you apart and that their data is safe with you.

TPRM Portfolio Risk Matrix

Protecting yourself means protecting against risk in your supply chain. Since security threats rapidly evolve and no two vendors are the same, go beyond a once in a while security assessment or “one-size-fits all” approach by continuously monitoring your vendors’ security postures.

Get an immediate, near real-time snapshot of your third parties’ security performance from initial vendor evaluation through the life of the relationship – and save time and resources.

Receive automatic notifications of any drops in performance or security issues and allocate your resources to those that require a more in-depth assessment based on how critical they are to your organization.

You can even add fourth parties to your list of continuously monitored vendors for a complete view of your organization’s risk surface – protecting your company against threats far down the supply chain.

Portfolio Reports

Tolerance for cyber risk depends on your industry, adversaries, resources, and assets. You need to define your comfort level both internally and across your vendor portfolio.

Bitsight makes it easy to set risk thresholds that are triggered whenever your security performance or that of a vendor deviates from them. And because different vendors present variable risk levels, you can group third parties into tiers and set risk thresholds based on how critical they are to your business and the inherent risk you’re willing to accept.

That’s it, Bitsight does the rest. You’ll receive automatic alerts when thresholds aren’t met so you can mitigate today’s fast-emerging risks.

ShadowIT Ebook Cover

Our playbook is designed to provide you and your team with a holistic understanding of hidden risks, and arm you with policy and strategy suggestions to protect your expanding digital footprint and infrastructure.

Objective, trusted data and analytics on global, national, and sectoral cybersecurity performance