Product Hero Background

cyber risk data

Gain visibility into your entire portfolio’s security health.

universal standard

The most statistically significant and correlated with critical outcomes.

risk insights

CVE research and impact across your portfolio.

The right underwriting decisions

The right cyber coverage starts with the right data. Base your guidelines on past cyber risk—the industry’s most impactful data—and historical performance from each applicant.

  • Make the right decisions from the start of an applicant’s policy
  • Use historical data to make today’s choices
  • No more subjective underwriting decisions

Control risk across your portfolio

Find and mitigate any exposure to changing risks and vulnerabilities—across all your policyholders. Proactively reduce claims. Improve loss ratios. And collaborate with all your insureds within the Bitsight application—at scale.

  • Slash exposure—and claims associated with them
  • Get insightful views across your portfolio
  • Collaborate with insureds to strengthen their cyber posture

Manage your entire portfolio with ease

Don’t just manage exposure. Predict it—no matter how large your portfolio. See risk trends, risk accumulations, and risk of catastrophe so you can mitigate losses—for third and fourth party risk.

  • Understand your risk diversification with risk trends
  • Determine where risk is piling up—so you can adjust on the fly
  • Aggregate data to aid in modeling scenarios
Scott Stransky
Head of the Marsh McLennan Cyber Risk Analytics Center
Marsh McLennan

We continue to hear from clients that cybersecurity is among their most urgent risk concerns. By collaborating with Bitsight, we are providing clients with more data-driven insights to better manage risk in an increasingly difficult cybersecurity landscape.