Continuous Monitoring for Vendor Management

It’s time for security leaders to re-evaluate their vendor risk management processes.

Are you still using manual vendor risk assessment and third-party monitoring tools? Do you rely on your vendors to alert you when a cybersecurity threat arises?

The tools and processes vendor risk managers have relied on for years to mitigate inherent vendor risk aren’t cutting it any longer. With growing attack surfaces and more sophisticated malicious actors lurking at every endpoint, now is the time to consider the most efficient way to gain visibility into your vendor risk portfolio.

With a continuous monitoring strategy, you can take back control of the accepted risk across a vendor portfolio. Organizations no longer have to be slowed down by manual vendor assessment strategies, but instead rely on automated and objective cybersecurity data they can access independent of a vendor’s control.

Bitsight for Third-Party Risk Management uses Bitsight Security Ratings to keep customers updated on the status of their vendor pool, using the industry’s only independently verified cybersecurity rating. Bitsight users can:

  • Monitor their most critical vendors with the total risk monitoring tool
  • Be notified when any vendor, independent of criticality, drops below a desired rating

Download our “Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management” eBook to learn how to adapt to the continuously changing risk environment with an efficient, continuous risk monitoring strategy.

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