Build cyber resilience with Bitsight’s advanced cybersecurity analytics

Having objective, independent, and evidence-based metrics empowers leaders like you to quantify risk and demonstrate performance in a meaningful way.

Bitsight for Security Performance Management (SPM) features advanced cybersecurity analytics that take the guesswork out of analyzing performance and setting program goals with metrics based on your own cybersecurity needs and appetite for risk.

SPM combines quick analysis with actionable insights so you can stop reacting and start protecting against security threats.

SPM's suite of cybersecurity analytics helps you continuously monitor and measure programs so you can manage activities, hit KPIs, and deliver assurance of a strong security program to the board.

Explore the benefits and advantages of each advanced cybersecurity analytic capability:

SPM Peer Analytics Screen | Advanced cybersecurity analytics

Bitsight Peer Analytics puts your organization’s cybersecurity posture into context by comparing it against a meaningful set of peers. For example, compare cybersecurity analytics against organizations of similar size, industry, employee count, and resources, providing a realistic cybersecurity standard to aim towards. Peer Analytics enables you to:

  • Display a peer group distribution chart to intuitively see how you compare
  • See a quick snapshot of your best and worst risk vectors compared to your peers
  • Understand the top 10 categories in your peer group
SPM Attack Surface Analytics Screen | Advanced cybersecurity analytics

Attack Surface Analytics empowers you to reduce cyber risk at scale by helping your global IT and security teams manage your digital footprint and assess your cyber risk exposure across your digital ecosystem. Confidently grow and scale your businesses knowing that you have continuous visibility and prioritize your actions so you can tackle your most critical areas of risk. Attack Surface Analytics enables you to:

  • See 4 cybersecurity analytics insight cards to summarize your digital footprint in key areas
  • Drill-down into areas of exposure, such as hosting provider, subsidiary, or asset count
  • View assets in a table or geographic map format
SPM Financial Quantification Screen | Advanced cybersecurity analytics

Financial Quantification provides a quick, efficient, and repeatable assessment of an organization’s financial exposure to cyber risk, with the resources you already have. By combining technographic, firmographic, and cyber insurance claims data, as well as cyber scenario probability calculations, Financial Quantification simulates your organization’s financial exposure across multiple types of business scenarios so teams can:

  • Run a quantification in less than 48 hours
  • View your cyber risk through six different cyber security scenarios
  • Share reports with the ability to drill-down into specific scenarios and cybersecurity analytics insights
  • Work directly with cyber risk experts to build your CRQ program
SPM Control Insights Screen | Advanced cybersecurity analytics

Control Insights delivers an intuitive view to understand how effective your security controls have been over the last six months. This allows you to efficiently monitor your team’s progress over time towards the remediation of control gaps. Control Insights provides a continuous controls monitoring capability that empowers you to monitor and improve your security posture. Deliver continuous improvements to security controls by:

  • Seeing whether each control is acceptable, needs improvement, or not enough data
  • Plotting a six-month control history to track progress over time
  • Scheduling cybersecurity analysis reports to download every month automatically
SPM Risk Remediation Plan Screen

Risk Remediation Plan (RRP) gives you a prescriptive action plan to improve your cybersecurity posture. RRP breaks the Security Rating down into several risk vector grades, giving security teams insight into the most efficient path towards improving those grades. Not only does this insight empower teams to make the right decisions on remediation planning, it provides transparency and understanding into how their Security Rating is generated. RRP creates a prioritized and efficient list of cybersecurity analytics findings so teams can:

  • Access a tactical action plan with details, links to findings, and historical plan access
  • Download plans either on-demand or a predetermined schedule
  • Review point-in-time plans that point you towards a “Good” rating in each area
SPM Enterprise Analytics Screen | Advanced cybersecurity analytics

Enterprise Analytics enables you to monitor ratings and risk vectors across your organization’s business units and/ or subsidiaries. Using a heatmap to indicate areas of strength and weakness across your organization, this cybersecurity analysis insight drives increased understanding of how your business units and subsidiaries impact your overall security posture. Enterprise Analytics uniquely enables you to quickly and easily assess cyber risk exposure, measure and report on subsidiary security performance, and focus remediation efforts so you can:

  • View a heatmap across 6 or 12 months for every subsidiary
  • Easily see the magnitude of impact that a subsidiary has on the parent in a bar chart
  • Organize cybersecurity analytics information from worst to best or best to worst
SPM Forecasting Screen | Advanced cybersecurity analytics

Forecasting models different scenarios and paths to project future security performance so you can answer critical questions about expectations and resourcing. Forecasting looks at the cybersecurity performance of hundreds of thousands of global organizations to accurately predict how a change in resources or technology may influence your security posture by:

  • Seeing two years of cybersecurity analysis data: one of historical data, and one predicting the coming year
  • Defining scenarios based on events, duration time, or estimated resolution date
  • Comparing your forecast scenarios against doing nothing
Bitsight cyber risk management awards

Security teams use SPM’s advanced cybersecurity analytics to take the guesswork out of setting metric-driven standards, gaining transparency into remediating gaps, and confidently communicating performance to stakeholders.