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Get your end-to-end VRM solution

Discover how Bitsight VRM can simplify, scale, and streamline your vendor risk management needs. Fill out the form here and get your free demo today!

Enterprises: Automate your VRM program, access over 55,000+ third-party vendor profiles, and be confident of security assessments through a single risk dashboard.

Third-Party Vendors: Decrease time to close, eliminate repetitive responses to security assessments, and share a single customizable security profile.


Bitsight cyber risk intelligence awards

Save time: Don’t wait for a third-party vendor to push information to you. Get the information you need from the vendor-managed profile in your single-view risk dashboard. When the annual review approaches, your vendor gets proactive notifications weeks out to make sure their most recent security assessment is up to date and ready to review.

Automated TPRM

Get rid of emails and spreadsheets by digitizing third-party risk assessments, vendor onboarding, and monitoring.


Leverage an ever-growing network of organizations and vendors that connect to assess and share security documentation.

Industry Agnostic

Third-party risk can be managed in an efficient and scalable way given the right toolset, regardless of the industry.

Elizabeth Olson Lennon
Director of Vendor Management at Alameda Alliance for Health

“We save hundreds of hours annually by using Bitsight Vendor Risk Management. We've integrated it into our onboarding and evaluation process, and we’ve been able to alert our vendors of problems before they happen, so they’re aware of the issue before it costs them, and us.”