5 Bewährte Strategien zur Maximierung des Cyber-Risikomanagements in der Lieferkette

Budget cuts, growing vendor ecosystems, yet the stakes skyrocket. It’s a familiar script. But what if you could flip the script?

This is your guide to building a scalable and integrated Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) program—one that continuously monitors vendor health, validates 'yes/no questions' with objective data, and facilitates risk mitigation amid evolving regulatory requirements from the SEC, NIS2, and DORA directives.

The strategies in this ebook will allow you to:

  • Consolidate solutions to manage hundreds of vendors as effectively as you manage ten.
  • Oversee end-to-end supply chain cybersecurity programs—from vendor risk assessments to continuous monitoring and vulnerability remediation.
  • Translate cyber risk findings into the universal language of positive business outcomes.


“Third-party breaches are costing companies big time. Regulations are increasing expectations. And AI risks weaponization by threat actors. Drawing from our battles and victories, we offer you a blueprint to elevate your supply chain cyber risk management program beyond mere compliance”.
Tim Grieveson Transparent Profile

Tim Grieveson
Senior Vice President - Global Cyber Risk, Bitsight
5 Proven Strategies to Maximize Supply Chain Cyber Risk Management Cover 2