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Bitsight for healthcare

Focus on Patients, Not Attackers.

Where patient safety and data security intersect, robust cyber risk management isn't just a regulatory requirement—it's a matter of national security.

cost of Healthcare data breach

Healthcare cybersecurity

Bad actors can hijack computer systems and restrict access to critical data, shut down systems and equipment, or delay life-saving procedures.

Source: IBM Cost of a Data Breach 2023

From safeguarding protected health information (PHI) against ransomware to mitigating vulnerabilities in IoT medical devices, Bitsight's unique capabilities and insights are tailored to prevent the financial, reputational, regulatory, and human impact of cyberattacks and data breaches in the healthcare sector.

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Gain a panoramic view of exposure across your digital ecosystem, including IoT and third-party risks, to preempt potential breaches.

Risk Assessments

Make informed decisions around vulnerable devices, poor credentials, and the potential financial and legal risk of your vendors.


Navigate healthcare regulations like HIPAA with confidence, using continuous risk monitoring and standardized questionnaires.


Leverage risk analytics to strengthen your defense against cyber threats, keeping patient data safe and operations uninterrupted.

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Gain unique exposure visibility across your external attack surface, including vulnerable or exposed medical devices—and bring them into your robust security standards. Benchmark your security posture and ensure it complies with healthcare regulations like HIPAA, protecting patient data and operational integrity.

Vendor Risk Management - Vendor List

Safeguard components and internet-connected devices throughout your digital supply chain. Conduct thorough vendor risk assessments, mitigate risks proactively, and continuously monitor all your providers— from pharmaceutical suppliers to medical device manufacturers— ensuring every link upholds stringent healthcare security standards.

Elizabeth Olson Lennon
Director of Vendor Management at Alameda Alliance for Health
Alameda Company Logo

We save hundreds of hours annually by using Bitsight. We’ve integrated Bitsight Vendor Risk Management into our onboarding and evaluation process, and it’s helped us identify the actual risk level associated with vendors.