Bitsight for governments

Secure Your Infrastructure. Protect Your Constituents.

Cyberattacks can bring economies, public health, and national security to a standstill. Federal agencies, law enforcement, and CERTs need complete visibility into cyber risk and performance to prevent cyber show downs.

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Cyberattacks can bring economies, public health, and national security to a standstill. Federal agencies, law enforcement, and CERTs need complete visibility into cyber risk and performance to prevent cyber show downs.

Government background
2.6 million

The cost of a data breach in the public sector.

From data breaches and espionage to sabotage of critical infrastructure, the impact of cyberattacks on federal agencies can be profound.

Source: IBM Cost of a Data Breach 2023

Bitsight provides the view and analytics to measure and improve security postures, comply with government-specific regulations, and mitigate risks associated with third-party vendors. Our security ratings are correlated to the likelihood of suffering a breach, and we helped shape the Principles for Fair and Accurate Security Ratings published by the US Chamber of Commerce.

Strategic Risk Management

Gain a complete view of exposure across your digital ecosystem, identifying threats before they impact your operations.

Strategic Risk Management

Gain a complete view of exposure across your digital ecosystem, identifying threats before they impact your operations.

Comprehensive Risk Assessments

Secure the supply chain and contractor interactions essential to government operations, reducing vulnerabilities from external sources.

Comprehensive Risk Assessments

Secure the supply chain and contractor interactions essential to government operations, reducing vulnerabilities from external sources.

Regulatory Compliance

Meet and exceed local, federal, and state mandates using security ratings and analytics to clearly communicate your security posture.

Regulatory Compliance

Meet and exceed local, federal, and state mandates using security ratings and analytics to clearly communicate your security posture.

Robust Data Protection

Safeguard classified and sensitive citizen data against unauthorized access, ransomware, and breaches.

Robust Data Protection

Safeguard classified and sensitive citizen data against unauthorized access, ransomware, and breaches.

EASM banner

Continuously monitor digital assets across agencies, departments, regions, or industries, and aggregate their data. Share key findings on current and historical security performance with reports generated for every audience—including policymakers and non-technical stakeholders.

Vendor Risk Management - Vendor List

With many data breaches and security incidents stemming from third-party vendors, understanding and managing the cyber risk posed by contractors, subcontractors, and other third-parties has never been more important. Vet their security performance before bringing them onboard and continuously monitor their security posture.

CNI Top Open Ports and Vuln IPs

More than 180 government agencies around the world use Bitsight to benchmark security performance against other organizations, identify prevalence of vulnerabilities, and pinpoint risks to specific geographies. Use this data to inform decisions and report to senior government officials and stakeholders on the cyber health of critical infrastructure.

Miguel De Bruycker
Director General at the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB)
Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium

Bitsight helps us see where opportunities to improve the country’s cyber health exist, build trust with the community we serve, and support quick wins would otherwise not have been possible."